Alex Lange is a retired Navy Veteran turned men's coach. Focusing on Fatherhood and understanding childhood trauma. He is a married unschooling father of 4 living in the Dominican Republic. He helps fathers take more responsi...
Alex Lange retired Navy Veteran turned men's coach. Focusing on Fatherhood and understanding childhood trauma. He is a married unschooling father of 4 living in the Dominican Republic. He helps fathers take more responsibilit...
On this week's episode of the @4fitfatherhood podcast our guest @sergio.nazzaro shares his fatherhood journey and how he "built himself back up." Sergio Nazzaro is a performance coach with over 10 years of experience. Sergio'...
Jack Nofel is a retired veteran who was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Since becoming a father, he has put more focus on self-mastery and personal growth. This is fueled by a passion for intentional and conscious parenting. Jack enjoys surfing, playing soccer and hiking with his family. A favo…
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"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." - Tupac Shakur We hear people say this but as fathers, we get multiple shots at it. It starts with us first ...
As fathers, we all have a role to play. Although we may be the leading man the main character may need to play many different roles in a scene. The camera may be directly on him. He may be in a support role for another charac...
Fatherhood will be different for all of us for many different reasons. However, there are some common threads we will all experience. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast, we step into the Doctors' office to talk t...
The power of a present father is immeasurable and on this episode our guest Zachary Farmer, author of Superdad , the story of a father raising his son. Shared his journey to fatherhood. As an expecting father he is planning o...
Fatherhood can be an interesting journey. Tough but rewarding. Traditional, non-traditional, exciting, and nerve-racking. No matter what your fatherhood journey looks like there are 3 very important things you must do. Deal, ...
We've heard from plenty of fathers at this point but what about fatherhood from a different perspective? This is one we can all relate to. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast Michael Cooper reminds us what life was like before we reached fatherhood. He shares his childhood and young lif…
A two-year child custody battle took a troubling turn in 2021 when his ex-wife moved to Africa with their 6-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. For months, Gaya Viaan, has been worked to get his children back home. Going mo...
Be present not perfect! Just being there is super important. A lot of times we will get things wrong and for that we must apologize, however it is that understanding that helps us become better. Fatherhood is a journey that w...
Terry Harden II @JustaDopeDad , born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. Recently moved to Dallas TX. In November of 2019 he made a decision to lose weight and gain more impact and quality time with his family. Since then he's lost...
"if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” - Jesus Christ (Mattthew 10) @ballbyfaith took this and ran with it...