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Jan. 19, 2024

What is a Present Provider? (Video)

In this episode, Rod Richard introduces the Present Provider series, which focuses on how to be a present and effective father. He discusses the changing role of men in fatherhood and the desire to be more nurturing and present than previous generations. Rod emphasizes the importance of fatherhood …

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Jan. 19, 2024

What is a Present Provider (Audio)

In this episode, Rod Richard introduces the Present Provider series, which focuses on how to be a present and effective father. He discusses the changing role of men in fatherhood and the desire to be more nurturing and present than previous generations. Rod emphasizes the importance of fatherhood …

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May 22, 2023

Man, Husband, Father: Finding and Operating in the Sweet Spot

As we take on new titles we have to be able to take on and shed responsibilities as we grow. There will be some crossover but there is some clearing out that needs to happen. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spoti...

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May 16, 2023

It's the environment

The people and things you surround yourself and your children with have a bigger impact than you think. Research has shown that as a child develops their parents influence on them diminishes. Which mean two things... 1. Our p...

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May 1, 2023

Misconceptions in Manhood

Misconceptions in Manhood Ego Selfish must find some pleasure Consistency consistently right Hard work guarantee Discipline/ desire --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/4fitfatherhood/support

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Aug. 19, 2022

Fatherhood is Generational Wealth

Generational wealth and breaking "generational curses" has become a more and more popular conversation in the aftermath of the pandemic. Generational wealth refers to any kind of asset that families pass down to their children or grandchildren, whether in the form of cash, investment funds, stocks …

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Aug. 9, 2022

Meeting My Purpose

Celebrating a decade of Fatherhood with the first of many future mini episodes of the @4fitfatherhood podcast These #5minutefatherhood episodes will be short a sweet and meant to fill the space between interview episodes. Tod...

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Aug. 6, 2022

Season 2: 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast preview

I am excited to share a brand new season of the 4 fit fatherhood podcast with you all. Episodes are being recorded with new guests new topics and even some new features. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode.

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June 11, 2022

What is means to be a warrior...

Warriors have a certain set of traits that can be used for good or evil, and it’s up to each one to choose what path he will follow. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast we discuss the idea of being a warrior and what it means to be a warrior in a garden, instead of a gardener in a war.

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April 9, 2022

Father Forward and unload your backpack

Often we're discouraged because of some tough challenge or obstacle in our way. But a shift in mindset from a Zen proverb can change everything: “The obstacle is the path.” The obstacle isn't something standing in our way. It...

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March 11, 2022

Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words for Influence and Impact... your…

Exactly What to Say by Phil M. Jones delves into words, phrases, and questions that can help keep you in control of conversations and negotiations, making sales and influence more likely simply by changing a few small details...

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Feb. 25, 2022

Success Is Not Optional...

There are four ways you can be a dad. They relate to the four degrees of actions that every person can take in life. There is massive action Normal action Doing nothing or retreating. Remember that everyone operates at these 4 levels of activity in different areas of their lives. You m…

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Feb. 18, 2022

Paternal Post-Partum Depression

p --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/4fitfatherhood/support

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June 26, 2021

"Not Many Fathers" TD Jakes Message Recap (mini episode)

"Not Many Fathers" TD Jakes Message Recap (mini episode) --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/4fitfatherhood/support

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