Author | Sales Mentor | Podcast Host
First and foremost, I am a Dad to an amazing young boy. He keeps me young and energized!
I’ve hosted the Just Get Started Podcast for 6 years, I blog 3x per week, I’ve published 2 Children’s books with a 3rd on the way, and I am a Sales Mentor to B2B Founders and their teams.
It’s been a wild last several years and looks much different than life used to be.
Everything I do today has stemmed from deciding to take control of my life and overcoming the poor confidence, low self-esteem, and an attitude blanketed by fear and judgment that was instilled in childhood.
Through many brave decisions, delayed gratification, lucky breaks, and bumping into great people along the way, my journey changed course. I was living a life of purpose. I knew I was on the right path.
I discovered that I am a NAVIGATOR and my “North Star” is to help navigate people to start taking back control of their lives.
It starts from within.
It starts with the understanding that we cannot discover happiness until we discover ourselves.
When we are willing to discover the depths of who we are it exposes a COMPASS that becomes the guiding force for our lives. It provides a greater appreciation for the world around us and creates the building blocks for a happier and more fulfilling life.
I am always looking to connect with new people and hear about what cool adventures they are involved with. Please feel free to send me a note through my contact form or connect elsewhere; Instagram, Twitter, or Linkedin.