Welcome to 4 Fit Fatherhood

Jimmy DeFalco

Jimmy DeFalco Profile Photo


I’m a recovering drug addict who used fitness ago turn my life around. I have full custody of my two sons and run a group called the awakened father.

Aug. 31, 2023

The Awakened Father w/ Jimmy DeFalco (Audio)

Growing up, Jimmy Defalco had a very undesirable childhood. He grew up with a Wolf of Wall Street style father. His dad was a wealthy advertising agency owner, who abused drugs and was caught up in the Wall Street lifestyle. ...
Guest: Jimmy DeFalco
Aug. 29, 2023

The Awakened Father w/ Jimmy DeFalco (Spotify Video)

Growing up, Jimmy Defalco had a very undesirable childhood. He grew up with a Wolf of Wall Street style father. His dad was a wealthy advertising agency owner, who abused drugs and was caught up in the Wall Street lifestyle. ...
Guest: Jimmy DeFalco