Nigerian & American
Sports fanatic turned health & finance fanatic
-Won 3 football championships in a row in high school
Raised by a single Mom for the past 33 years of life
-Had Daddy issues into my mid 20s
Pops had an absent father; has major Daddy issues as well
I got kicked out of my Mom's when I was 19 & been on my own ever since. That was the greatest time of my life because that's when I learned how to be a man: survive without basic necessities, pay my cell phone bill on time, created a "street business" to support myself, & I broke my own heart by not being a solid man for the girl I wanted to marry (my then girlfriend, separated for 4 years & rekindled the flame & made her my wife). Lost all faith in God; didn't have any focus on anything besides money & survival. I was unemployed from 2008-2013
I was being a F-boy as they call it with multiple women I had feelings for; I was looking out for myself only except for 1 of those women who I still talk to this day, Elaina (disclaimer she & my wife are friends; another hilarious & ironic story on how they met). Elaina was the first woman to put me in check like my Mother would do & I appreciate her for all of that. That was a turning point in me leveling up to be a man & realizing I can't just run a street business anymore. I realized I wanted safety & security for the women in my life & running the streets put them in jeopardy.
2013 came around, fate & iPhone 4 reconnected my wife & I.. that was a sign to level up again because I didn't want to lose her again. I've known since high school that I was going to marry her, screwed up once, but wasn't going to let that happen again; so I changed EVERYTHiNG possible to make sure she was mine
After this, I rebuilt my relationship with my Mom also & that was when I realized God does love me.
I fixed my foundation of love & relationships, but was still lacking in the financial category. I knew how to make money & run a business, but I didn't want to go back to that life so I got a job in the restaurant industry at a prominent country club in LA. I learned from successful businessman how they did it, but one thing they couldn't teach me was how to love their wife (they were F-boys too, wife at home but still paying for women to perform certain things)
Graduated from a trade school in 2015; went on to get my Ph.D in Hydrology (which lead me to my Kangen Water business in 2017)
2016 had my biggest test from God: my motorcycle accident; I'm grateful for that because it gave me time to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life because the 9-5 was NOT it. I went vegan shortly after that to heal properly rather than being addicted to pain pills for the rest of my life
I haven't had a job since then; haven't been running the street business since 2013; & started my financial freedom journey this past July
...in that order