July 27, 2024

Leadership is Influence w/ JC Bautista

Leadership is Influence w/ JC Bautista



In this episode of the ForFit Fatherhood podcast, Rod Richard interviews J.C. Batista, a father who tragically lost his oldest son to substance abuse. J.C. shares his story and emphasizes the importance of taking action and being open with your children. He encourages parents to address issues head-on and not be afraid of the consequences. J.C. also discusses the impact of grief and the need to provide value to others through sharing his experience. He highlights the importance of love, commitment, and fidelity in parenting and offers advice for fathers who may be struggling. In this part of the conversation, Jc Batista and Rod Richard discuss the importance of staying present and providing value in the present moment, even when dealing with past grief. They emphasize the power of self-improvement and the need to work on oneself to handle challenges and develop a different perspective. They recommend books like 'Can't Hurt Me' by David Goggins and 'Outwitting the Devil' by Napoleon Hill. They also highlight the significance of maintaining a strong relationship with a spouse and the impact it has on raising children. They stress the importance of continuous growth and improvement in marriage and not waiting until after a separation or divorce to make positive changes. In this conversation, Jc Batista and Rod Richard discuss the importance of self-reflection, accountability, and faith in fatherhood. Jc shares his personal journey of transformation and how he made the decision to change his life for the better. He emphasizes the need for fathers to continuously work on themselves and provide the best resources for their children to make good decisions. Jc also highlights the importance of sharing failures and being open with children, as well as instilling a moral compass and accountability in their lives. The conversation concludes with a message of leadership, influence, and the significance of making small decisions that shape our future.



Take action and address issues with your children head-on, even if it feels uncomfortable or difficult.

Don't be afraid of the consequences of setting boundaries and making tough decisions as a parent.

Grief is a journey, and it's important to find ways to provide value to others through sharing your experience.

Love, commitment, and fidelity are crucial in parenting and can help prevent children from making harmful decisions.

Be open and honest with your children, sharing both your successes and failures, to build trust and understanding. Stay present and provide value in the present moment, even when dealing with past grief.

Self-improvement is crucial for handling challenges and developing a different perspective.

Recommended books: 'Can't Hurt Me' by David Goggins and 'Outwitting the Devil' by Napoleon Hill.

Maintaining a strong relationship with a spouse is essential for raising children.

Continuous growth and improvement in marriage are important, rather than waiting until after a separation or divorce to make positive changes. Fatherhood is about leadership and providing resources for children to make good decisions.

Self-reflection and accountability are crucial in personal growth and being a better father.

Sharing failures and being open with children helps them learn and grow.

Having a moral compass and accountability to something bigger than oneself is important.

Small decisions accumulate and shape our future.

Continuous self-improvement is necessary for fathers to positively influence their families.



00:00 Introduction and Overview

08:57 Taking Action and Overcoming Fear

28:34 The Power of Self-Improvement

39:48 The Importance of a Strong Relationship

46:41 Accountability and Self-Reflection

53:23 Curating Your Algorithm

01:02:44 Leadership and Influence

01:11:44 New Chapter

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