Welcome to 4 Fit Fatherhood

Season 2

June 20, 2023

Legacy: It's not what you think it is (Audio)

One of the goals of a father is to leave a lasting legacy for his children when he is gone. Far too often the focus of that legacy is money. On this episode of the podcast, I share why that might be wrong. www.4fitfatherhood....

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June 20, 2023

Legacy: It's not what you think it is (Video)

One of the goals of a father is to leave a lasting legacy for his children when he is gone. Far too often the focus of that legacy is money. On this episode of the podcast, I share why that might be wrong. www.4fitfatherhood....

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May 22, 2023

Man, Husband, Father: Finding and Operating in the Sweet Spot

As we take on new titles we have to be able to take on and shed responsibilities as we grow. There will be some crossover but there is some clearing out that needs to happen. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spoti...

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May 16, 2023

It's the environment

The people and things you surround yourself and your children with have a bigger impact than you think. Research has shown that as a child develops their parents influence on them diminishes. Which mean two things... 1. Our p...

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May 1, 2023

Misconceptions in Manhood

Misconceptions in Manhood Ego Selfish must find some pleasure Consistency consistently right Hard work guarantee Discipline/ desire --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/4fitfatherhood/support

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April 23, 2023

Fall In Love With Your Purpose w/ Chris Johnson

K --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/4fitfatherhood/support

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April 17, 2023

Represent Who You Want Your Kids to Be w/ Jaron Matheson

Fatherhood is oftentimes about teaching lessons. When we just punish kids for their actions we neglect the opportunity to teach them what we would like from them instead. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood podcast Jaron ...

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April 11, 2023

The EPIC Dad w/ Drew Camp

When you become a better man, you create a better foundation upon which to be a father, husband, entrepreneur, boss, employee or whatever other title you add to it. Pursuing personal excellence is a something we all need to d...

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March 18, 2023

Go Big Because You Can! w/ Derek Johns

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." - Tupac Shakur We hear people say this but as fathers, we get multiple shots at it. It starts with us first ...

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March 11, 2023

Fatherhood is Being A Character w/ Lester Jackson

As fathers, we all have a role to play. Although we may be the leading man the main character may need to play many different roles in a scene. The camera may be directly on him. He may be in a support role for another charac...

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March 5, 2023

Get Help, Find Community w/ Robert Singleton II

Fatherhood will be different for all of us for many different reasons. However, there are some common threads we will all experience. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast, we step into the Doctors' office to talk t...

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Feb. 25, 2023

Be All In For Your Kids By Being All In For Yourself w/ Zachary Farmer

The power of a present father is immeasurable and on this episode our guest Zachary Farmer, author of Superdad , the story of a father raising his son. Shared his journey to fatherhood. As an expecting father he is planning o...

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Feb. 18, 2023

Wanting To Be Perfect Is The Perfection/ w TJ Void

A father is an educator. You will teach them everything and everything they need to know. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast, I sit down with TJ Void to talk about his fatherhood journey. www.tjvoid.com --- Suppo...

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Jan. 28, 2023

This week in @4fitfatherhood (1/26)

This episode we take a mid-season break to catch up on the season so far. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/4fitfatherhood/support

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Jan. 14, 2023

Adversity is a Privilege Lead Through It w/ Lheighton Cook

Father is a leadership role... A leader is someone who is in charge of organizing, guiding, and managing others. They are visionaries who motivate and encourage their team to reach the desired outcome. Understanding what lead...

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Jan. 7, 2023

Show Up and Be Still w/ Earnest James

Fatherhood can be an interesting journey. Tough but rewarding. Traditional, non-traditional, exciting, and nerve-racking. No matter what your fatherhood journey looks like there are 3 very important things you must do. Deal, ...

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Dec. 24, 2022

The Greatest Thing I've Ever Done... w/ Victor Jones

As a father, one of your duties is to become the best man you can be. That man, the one you become, will be what your son emulates, and the one your daughter seeks out. On this episode of the @4fitfatherhood podcast, I sat do...

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Dec. 23, 2022

1% Better... This week in Father hood (12/19/22)

As we get closer to the end of the year ask yourself "am I the type of man I would follow?" If the answer isn't 100% yes then there is work to do. Understand though that that work doesn't have to be done all in one day. 1% be...

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Dec. 18, 2022

Life Insurance Isn't a Scam w/ Michael Cooper

We've heard from plenty of fathers at this point but what about fatherhood from a different perspective? This is one we can all relate to. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast Michael Cooper reminds us what life was like before we reached fatherhood. He shares his childhood and young lif…

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Dec. 17, 2022

Put it on the hood... Fatherhood

This week in Fatherhood! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/4fitfatherhood/support

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Dec. 10, 2022

Fathered While Fatherless w/ Micheal Wellington

WHO IS MY FATHER? This question plagued Micheal Wellington for most of his life. Unfortunately, growing up without a father in the home has become a commonality in today's world. Just as he thought he had finally found him an...

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Dec. 7, 2022

This week in @4fitfatherhood (12/7)

The comments section is in shambles yet again. A post from John Bernthal's Real Ones podcast has poured gasoline on an already well-lit fire. Get my take on the whole things as well as what I'm reading. On the suggestion of a...

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Dec. 2, 2022

BatDAD Gotta Show Up

In the 1989 Batman film, Batman gives the signal to the Gotham police force, enabling them to call him when the city was in danger. You are their superhero, their Batman. When they put out that signal you gotta show up. On th...

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Nov. 27, 2022

Never Give Up w/ Gaya K. Viaan

A two-year child custody battle took a troubling turn in 2021 when his ex-wife moved to Africa with their 6-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. For months, Gaya Viaan, has been worked to get his children back home. Going mo...

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