The @4fitfatherhood social media page has been set ablaze with these 3 topics. 3 posts and 10k+ followers later its time to address them. I will continue to post the guest episodes but over the next few weeks consider these s...
Be present not perfect! Just being there is super important. A lot of times we will get things wrong and for that we must apologize, however it is that understanding that helps us become better. Fatherhood is a journey that w...
During quarantine while some of us were racking up screen time on Netflix. @rollandpolard started doing something he had always done. Being present with his family and coach cheer. With gyms being shut down he started stuntin...
Wallace Holyfield is a man of many hats, as you can see by this picture. Husband, credit guru, turo host, social media savant, but none more important than Father. After a life changing face time call Wallace made the decisio...
Your fatherhood journey will more than likely not be a smooth as you'd like it. Starting from being fathered to eventually being a father there will be peaks and valleys but no matter what the show must go on. On episode 40 o...
How many times do we tell kids to follow their dreams? I know i was told that and I know I have definitely told kids the same. Dr. Joe Johnson explains why we might be telling them the wrong thing. --- This episode is spon...
Terry Harden II @JustaDopeDad , born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. Recently moved to Dallas TX. In November of 2019 he made a decision to lose weight and gain more impact and quality time with his family. Since then he's lost...
We finally did it! It wasn't perfect but it had purpose. I finally was able to sit down with my dad and get an episode on wax. This episode was more for me than you all but I'm glad to share whatever parts of it I can. --- ...
"if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” - Jesus Christ (Mattthew 10) @ballbyfaith took this and ran with it...
My guest today is Rodney Williams an inspirer, motivator, and author. Rodney shares his experiences to help women & men fall in love with the EXPERIENCE of crafting their SUCCESSFUL Self-Vision. On this episode we dove in to how a journey of self discovery helped him rebuild his relationships. P…
Parenting Is A Partnership w/ @dreambigfred Thinking of your family as a family with you and your wife as Executive Officers and your kids as partners can change how you treat them and how they respond. I had a great talk with Fred as we talked about the roles of a father, the roles that ch…
I am excited to share a brand new season of the 4 fit fatherhood podcast with you all. Episodes are being recorded with new guests new topics and even some new features. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. --...
I am excited to share a brand new season of the 4 fit fatherhood podcast with you all. Episodes are being recorded with new guests new topics and even some new features. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode.