On this week's episode of the @4fitfatherhood podcast our guest @sergio.nazzaro shares his fatherhood journey and how he "built himself back up." Sergio Nazzaro is a performance coach with over 10 years of experience. Serg...
Clif Kohut is the dad behind “The Reliable Dad”. He is a husband, father of two and the founder of @thereliabledad. The Reliable Dad’s mission is to celebrate “present fatherhood” in today’s society as well as collaborate wit...
Jack Nofel is a retired veteran who was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Since becoming a father, he has put more focus on self-mastery and personal growth. This is fueled by a passion for intentional and conscious parenting. Jack …
Jack Nofel is a retired veteran who was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Since becoming a father, he has put more focus on self-mastery and personal growth. This is fueled by a passion for intentional and conscious parenti...