“I’m newer to the gym.. WHAT DO I DO?!?” “How on earth do I structure my training to reach my goals!?!?” Muscular hypertrophy = hello bodybuilders. Muscle hypertrophy is for the growth and increase of the size of muscle fibers. You can get stronger, but also LOOK stronger. (Aesthetically appealing)
I got a question about portion control and sizes and it leas me a little bit down the rabbit hole on nutrition. This is worth the listen and there will be more coming to support it. Stay tuned!
For the next 30 days I am doing a 30 day challenge. I will be challenging myself to help 30 people, or more, for the next 30 days.
#traffictalk sorry had to edit this one down to the point. Probably should make an igtv video to go with this one. - Transformation isn't easy but it's necessary! Athletes moving from high school to college no matter how many stars have to start over. All your stats disappear. You…
#traffictalk I can't vs I don't #mindset #motivation #fitness #goals #goalsetting #achievement
#traffictalk Martin Luther King Jr. Day is about so many things. How can you narrow such a great person down to one. But I did anyway... #leadership #mindset #motivation #fitness #goals #goalsetting #achievement #success
#traffictalk Early difficulties cannot predict final failures! There will be challenges at every level. There will be struggles every day! Learn from them go through them and grow with them! #grinddontstop #gritwontquit #fitnessmotivation #mlb #milb #baseball #golf #soccer #strengthtraining #kettlebell #volleyball #performance #NCAAfootball #D1 #fitfam #sportsperformance #performancecoach #speed #agility #crossfit…
#traffictalk Fun fact... you are ALREADY a success story! Everytime you head faced the worst day of your life you survived, you grew, you are still here! Use that and be encouraged! #mindset #motivation #fitness #goals #goalsetting #achievement #success
#TrafficTalk Pray for it, work for it, enjoy it! #staycommitted S/o to @inkyjohnson for the jewel!!!
#traffictalk S/o to @lewishowes for this one... What if everything you are going through is preparation for what you have been asking for? I fitness and athletics clients and athletes come in with goals. What we do on the road to reaching those goals is sometimes hard. Most day they…
#traffictalk Be honest with yourself about who you are and who you want to be and the difference between them. You can not get where you're trying to go being who you are now! Be different! #mindset #motivation
#wednesdaywisdom - You are more powerful than you believe. It is time to break the chains and move forward to your goals! @ucancallmecoach - #mindset #motivation #fitness #goals #goalsetting #achievement #traffictalk
#traffictalk If you cant change something, you better change your attitude about it. - - #mindset #motivation #fitness #goals #goalsetting #achievement #success
High Protein Diet for Fat Loss? The purpose of a high protein diet for building muscle mass is necessary, I think most people know that. However there are still a good number of people that don't understand the role it plays in fat loss diets. Here’s why you NEED a…
6 QUICK TIPS BULK AND BUILD MUSCLE 💪🏼 TIP 1 - eat enough to gain 1lbs per week • 💪🏼 TIP 2 - learn the big lifts and become proficient with them. They will be the foundation of your growth. • 💪🏼 TIP 3 - train 3 x week. Train…
Potential for performance offers a variety of health and wellness services to help you reach your maximal potential.