#wednesdaywisdom - You are more powerful than you believe. It is time to break the chains and move forward to your goals! @ucancallmecoach - #mindset #motivation #fitness #goals #goalsetting #achievement #traffictalk
#traffictalk If you cant change something, you better change your attitude about it. - - #mindset #motivation #fitness #goals #goalsetting #achievement #success
High Protein Diet for Fat Loss? The purpose of a high protein diet for building muscle mass is necessary, I think most people know that. However there are still a good number of people that don't understand the role it plays in fat loss diets. Here’s why you NEED a…
6 QUICK TIPS BULK AND BUILD MUSCLE 💪🏼 TIP 1 - eat enough to gain 1lbs per week • 💪🏼 TIP 2 - learn the big lifts and become proficient with them. They will be the foundation of your growth. • 💪🏼 TIP 3 - train 3 x week. Train…
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This video serves as a summary for Nick Winkleman's peresentation for the NSCA National Conference. https://youtu.be/gnz_4bXEBis