Clif Kohut is the dad behind “The Reliable Dad”. He is a husband, father of two and the founder of @thereliabledad. The Reliable Dad’s mission is to celebrate “present fatherhood” in today’s society as well as collaborate with fathers who crushing it as Reliable Dads. You can support him and…
Jack Nofel is a retired veteran who was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Since becoming a father, he has put more focus on self-mastery and personal growth. This is fueled by a passion for intentional and conscious parenting. Jack enjoys surfing, playing soccer and hiking with his family. A…
One of the goals of a father is to leave a lasting legacy for his children when he is gone. Far too often the focus of that legacy is money. On this episode of the podcast, I share why that might be wrong. www.4fitfatherhood.com PRE-WORKOUT for DADS www.instagram.com/4fitfatherhood
People will come in to your life to add, subtract, divide, or multiply. It is up to you to know who they are and when.
As we take on new titles we have to be able to take on and shed responsibilities as we grow. There will be some crossover but there is some clearing out that needs to happen.
Being selfish isn't always "selfish"
The people and things you surround yourself and your children with have a bigger impact than you think. Research has shown that as a child develops their parents influence on them diminishes. Which mean two things... 1. Our presence and ability to build a strong bond when they are young…
The people and things you surround yourself and your children with have a bigger impact than you think. Research has shown that as a child develops their parents influence on them diminishes. Which mean two things... 1. Our presence and ability to build a strong bond when they are young…
Being selfish isn't always "selfish"
The power of a present father is immeasurable and on this episode our guest Zachary Farmer, author of Superdad, the story of a father raising his son. Shared his journey to fatherhood. As an expecting father he is planning on using the experience of his father as well as those…
As fathers, we all have a role to play. Although we may be the leading man the main character may need to play many different roles in a scene. The camera may be directly on him. He may be in a support role for another character. He may even be…
Fatherhood will be different for all of us for many different reasons. However, there are some common threads we will all experience. On this episode of the 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast, we step into the Doctors' office to talk to Dr Robert Singleton about his fatherhood journey. Doc shares with…
"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." - Tupac Shakur We hear people say this but as fathers, we get multiple shots at it. It starts with us first being the change we want to…